
News & Updates

Dual Goals: Profit and Purpose

Dual Goals: Profit and Purpose

Curious about the dual goals of purpose-driven businesses and how they differ from traditional "old school" business models?  Let's explore! In the landscape of modern business, a new paradigm is emerging that challenges the long-held belief that a company's sole...

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The Ripple Effect: Beyond the Bottom Line

The impact of a purpose-driven business' dual-goal approach extends far beyond the company's balance sheet. Purpose-driven businesses often find that their commitment to a broader mission creates positive ripple effects throughout their operations and stakeholder...

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2024 Social Impact Plan

2024 Social Impact Plan

Did you get your New Year's Resolutions set for your company's 2024 community involvement?  Did you set specific goals?  Did you develop a written action plan with goals, tasks, and responsibilities clearly defined?  If you did not do a plan yet, it is definitely not...

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End of the Year Review

End of the Year Review

As 2023 comes to a close, it is valuable to conduct an end of year review of your company’s philanthropy and community involvement efforts over the past 12 months. This allows you to quantify and evaluate the progress and social impact made, recognize what initiatives...

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Greenwashing versus Goodwashing?

Greenwashing versus Goodwashing?

People often use the term "greenwashing" to cover all misleading claims a company makes to about their commitment and/or actions related to social and environmental responsibility. Because of my background in designing and measuring the impact of social impact...

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